Friday, February 15, 2013

Party's Over, Tony

A personal drawing I decided to add to from last year.  I likes the idea of it.

Last call?  Last call?!

Friday, February 8, 2013


Some Halo/Green Lantern thing (not the first time I've drawn that combo).  No idea, but I got to draw someone wielding a warthog like a motherfucking baseball bat!

Some kind anonymous person colored my Coast Rider.  Behold it's gloriousness!

The Punisher and Prince Power Molly Hayes from the Runaways having tea.  It's so cute.  I'mma be sick.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Sir Arthur of Antarctica

A penguin in Arthur's armor.  Oh yeah.  You crazy, Tomas.

Tally ho!

This is cute.  I need to draw more cute.

Maybe not.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Oh Shit-Lord


::shakes fist::

Coast Rider & Dem Tatas

2 requests done today.

Wonder Woman doing something mundane.

What's on QVC?

This was asked specifically of me.  And the strange thing is, I finally draw BEWBS! and I get less responses than what comes below.  But one of those responses was "I like those tits a lot. They're just hangin' out. Bein' tits. Just as tits should be."  Yep.

Ghost Rider on a roller coaster.  Behold, the Coast Rider!  Vengeance one rail at a time!